Tag: Lentils

Slow Cooker Lentil & Vegetable Soup

Slow Cooker Lentil & Vegetable Soup

  Hey everyone! I have a comforting, but still easy and healthy soup recipe to share with you all today.  I love soup in the colder winter months.  My body craves warmer food naturally, but I also look at it as a great way to 

Millet, Lentil & Roasted Veggies Bowl

Millet, Lentil & Roasted Veggies Bowl

Hey everyone!  It’s a dreary day here in Atlanta, so I figured I would brighten things up with a colorful Buddha Bowl recipe.  I’d also love to sit down with a cup of tea and a good book, so I’ll keep my intro short. 😉 

Vegan Slow Cooker Red Lentil & Tomato Soup

Vegan Slow Cooker Red Lentil & Tomato Soup

  Happy Friday!  I hope everyone had a great week.  I’m sure if you are anything like me, the holidays have hit full force with plans every weekend through the end of the year.  If so, the slow cooker can be a lifesaver! Instead of 

Oil-Free Broccoli & Sprouted Lentil Stir Fry with an Almond Butter Sauce

Oil-Free Broccoli & Sprouted Lentil Stir Fry with an Almond Butter Sauce

Hey guys!  It is a bit of a dreary morning here, so I figured I’d brighten up the day with a delicious meal we are eating for lunches this week.  I can’t complain about the rain since the weekend was perfect for all of the 

Farro, Lentil & Root Vegetable Bowl

Farro, Lentil & Root Vegetable Bowl

Hey guys!  For those of you who checked out my first recipe, the color of my sweet potato in this next recipe should be familiar.  I had one of the lovely purple sweet potatoes left from last week, so I wanted to make sure I