Tag: Local Grown

Tending my Garden {July 2020}

Tending my Garden {July 2020}

Hello friends! Today I was taking some photos for my monthly garden update, when it struck me as a good opportunity to reflect on the act of gardening in relation to honoring my feminine side. My dear Natural Medicine community is running a challenge for 

‘Tis the Season! {Apples, Apples, & more Apples} 🍎🍏🍎

‘Tis the Season! {Apples, Apples, & more Apples} 🍎🍏🍎

Happy Monday everyone! I always love the beginning of the week since the gang brings some delicious stuff to the #fruitsandveggiesmonday table for us to enjoy, but it is even more fun when I get to bring something to share, as well! Though it still