21 Days of Healthy Holiday Habits–Intro

21 Days of Healthy Holiday Habits–Intro

Halloween has come and gone, so you know what that means–the rest of the holidays are fast approaching!  Thanksgiving is only three weeks away.  After that the rest of the year pretty much flies by in the blink of an eye.

While I am very much a fan of enjoying this festive season, I also see people all too often throw out all of the hard work they’ve done throughout the year in building good habits and achieving health and fitness goals.  So many of us end up feeling like this smashed pumpkin by the time January rolls around.


Instead of waiting until things get really busy or you are already spiraling out of control face first in a heap of pumpkin pie, I wanted to share some easy tips on keeping your overall health a priority during this last part of the year.  Some of these you have probably heard many times before, but it never hurts to go back to basics!  Let’s face it, even though you probably know what to do to stay healthy, are you really doing it?

The common thought is that it takes about 21 days to build a new habit.  In reality it probably takes a bit longer than that for most of us, but it is a very good starting point as an extremely reasonable period of time to work on some goals!

Check back in each day starting tomorrow (November 3rd) through Thanksgiving (November 23rd) to get some ideas on how to keep yourself a priority through the holidays and beyond.  These tips will cover nutrition, personal growth, mental health, and a little bit of fitness–all of the things that come together for overall wellness.  I will be joining in with you to set myself up for success, as well. 🙂

Cheers to maintaining a healthy mind and body!

Feel free to let me know what you are doing to stay fit this time of year!  It is always fun to share in successes!

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