Planksgiving Workout 2024: Get Moving for the Holidays!

Happy Planksgiving!
As the holiday season ramps up, it is time for my annual Planksgiving workout. I have had fun coming up with various versions of this scheme since the start of “Plants to Planks” in 2017! Time flies when you’re having fun, right?
As usual, this workout is meant as a fun way to stay active during this busy time of year. You can easily scale up or scale down, change out some of the exercises, or adjust the timing. As with last year, this version packs in the planks, but also gets you a well-rounded total body workout! All you need is a set of dumbbells and a mat. Grab some friends or family and get moving!
Planksgiving 2024
Set One:
- Low Plank: Kneeling Shoulder Press
- Low Plank: Kneeling Step-Through
- Low Plank: Kneeling Alternating Biceps Curls
Set Two:
- High Plank: Squat Jump
- High Plank: Single, Single, Double Bent Over Row
- High Plank: Side Lunges
Set Three:
- Hover Plank: Single, Single, Double Chest Press
- Hover Plank: Alternating Single Leg Deadlift
- Hover Plank: Sit Up + Bridge
Perform each exercise within the set for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest before moving right into the next exercise. For example, the first set you’ll do 30 seconds of low plank, rest for 10 seconds then complete 30 seconds of the kneeling shoulder press. Rest for another 10 seconds before going back to the low plank for an additional 30 seconds. Continue on to complete the set. Each set has the “plank of choice” that you’ll do three times along with three other exercises. Complete each set 1-3 times before moving to the next depending on your allotted workout time or your current fitness level!
If you need to scale down, you can easily start with 15 seconds or make the rest period longer. On the other hand, if you’d like to ramp up the challenge, do each exercise for 45 seconds or even a minute! You can also substitute more advanced plank variations like mountain climbers, high to low planks, or plank jacks.
Need modifications? Reach out and I’ll be happy to help! As always, consult your primary care physician before starting a new workout routine if you have any contraindications to exercise.
Want more?
Check out previous Planksgiving workouts here on the site! You can also find the full playlist on my YouTube channel.