Working on Some 2022 Goals! {Personal, Professional & Physical}

Hello friends! It has definitely been a minute. Or rather, many minutes. Between the holidays and the start of the new year, life has once again left me with little free time to blog. I’m still over here cooking away, visiting the farmers market, training and getting in my workouts. However, the new year has also brought with it some new goals to work on to keep myself growing in a number of areas.
A big birthday this year has definitely helped motivate me a bit more than usual. There’s just something about the turn of a decade that lights a fire under a gal’s behind! Not that you have to wait until a birthday or a new year to set some goals, but I do feel like it helps me get out of a rut sometimes and think more about what I want out of life. This past decade has been the best yet, but I have high hopes that the next will continue the upward trend.

First up on the professional end of things, I’m working towards a new certification. While I regularly have to do continuing education and update my CPR for my current personal training and nutrition certifications, this year I was moved to add to my knowledge by enrolling in a Cancer Exercise Specialist course. I’ve had the honor to work with a number of breast cancer warriors over the last few years, so it only made sense to solidify my knowledge and be able to really help people before, during and after a cancer diagnosis.
I wish it wasn’t so needed, but I’m looking forward to being able to be one small piece of the puzzle in keeping people moving through cancer. I also really enjoy working with the 40/50-and-up crowd, which means an even greater likelihood of a cancer diagnosis. I’m only just scratching the surface, and already I imagine a lot of what I will learn will be useful for my training all around. There’s always more to learn and more to be able to give to my clients!

On the running front, I’m signed up for my first half marathon in quite a few years. The last couple of years were not very impressive on the racing end of things. I don’t think that comes as a shock given so many events were cancelled or moved online! My motivation comes and goes with running, but I always feel better when I have a goal to work towards to keep me getting outside at least a few times a week for a run. We knocked out a 7-mile run this past weekend that felt a lot better than I expected. Having company definitely helps!

Going back to my alma mater for the race is also special. Berry College is not only where I got my Bachelor’s degree, but also where I ran my first 5k back in 2010! My pal Julie is running with me again, as well. We ran this one together six years ago. A great course that runs completely on the beautiful campus. Fingers crossed for a healthy remainder of the training cycle and good weather on race day!

As usual this time of year I am also dreaming of our spring garden. After gardening for a number of years now, we have quite the collection of saved seeds. However, I just can’t help picking out a few more heirlooms to try out this year. Plus, we really did need a refresh on the herbs. It won’t be too long now before we can start our first batch of seeds in anticipation of the change of seasons. Though it still always seems to be a challenge to find the right time to plant. However much success we have, it is always rewarding. If nothing else, there will always be squash of some sort…

Until we get back to growing our own, the local market is still going strong through the winter months. The market is always a bit quieter this time of year, but still plenty of goodies to be had. I miss more fruit options this time of year, though the citrus has been absolutely fantastic. The radishes, broccoli, cauliflower and dark leafy greens are staples every week. Plenty to put together delicious soups like this split pea, broccoli and fennel concoction…

And massaged kale, tofu and roasted cauliflower salad…

Good food is always top priority, especially when training for races AND studying how not only exercise, but other lifestyle choices impact cancer prevention and recovery. That’s where age really is a blessing–definitely makes you realize you’re not invincible and just how important proper nutrition can be. Not that I’m old. Just maturing. 😉
Hopefully lots more small and possibly large goals to work on ahead. The certification is one I want to really knock out first so I can start helping more people as soon as I can! I’ve got accountability on the running, and this time of year it certainly helps. Looking forward to putting more races on the calendar as the year progresses. I want to go into the new age group feeling strong, haha!
With that, the buns are getting numb from sitting to long, so time to step away from the screen for now. If you are still reading, I hope all is well in your world and that you’ve got some great goals to work on, too! See you soon…maybe. 😉